Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Art Class - session 4

I was about to do some sketching before I start decorating my Tiger.

I decorated it to look like a Circus Tiger. That finishes my 'Animal Project' and here is how it looks:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Art Class - session 3

In today's class, I finished coloring the Tiger that I built. The teacher said I did a good job. I also learned the following about colors today:

Complementary colors
  • across the color wheel
  • neutralize each other
Primary colors
  • red
  • blue
  • yellow

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Art Class - session 2

I started working on my animal (Tiger) project. I built the basic structure of Tiger. In my next class, I am going to color it. I got a prize (Armature, Contour Lines) for remembering the vocabulary that I learned in my last class.

I also started playing my favorite sport soccer, just had a practice session at YMCA, Foxboro.